Thursday, August 20, 2009

Midnight Run not Sun

Amy got up at 8 today and took a shower while I slept for an extra hour. Then we ate breakfast and I took a shower and got ready. Then Mom came back from visiting with Nana and Papa and Mom, Amy and I went to the mall. I got Zach and Ashley a gift and Amy got Caleb a gift. And we ate at Panda Express. It was good. We went to several stores we had never been to before. Like Macy's and this one random game store. It was pretty sweet. But not as sweet as the candy store! Ah-ha! Get it?! I went crazy in that place. Literally. Amy probably thought I was as bad as her kids in a candy store. But who cares I got alot of candy. Then we went to Nana and Papa's house. Spent several stressful hours with them. Then left upset and mad. Came back to the hotel, and Amy and I composed ourselves, then we went to the Bead Museum. It was a really cool. It had beads from all different places over the world. Some were really old. I made a bracelet from the store that looks like another Bella bracelet. Or as close to her bracelet as I can get. And okay I haven't actually made it yet but I bought the beads.

We went to Jack in the Box again after that. That place is seriously good. I wish there was one in Arkansas. Then we went to CVS to buy Papa a gift. Then back to the hotel. Amy and I worked out again on the treadmills and took a dip in the pool after. I burned 400 calories. But sadly I lost weight instead of gaining. Lame. Speaking of lame I can't tell you how many times I've tripped on this vacation. More than I normally do, which is saying alot. Today I was walking back to the door of our room and I tripped over my own feet and Amy yelled something about having a Bella moment. And I turned around to yell screw you to her, and I ran right into the glass door when I turned back around. Geez lol. I really wanted to finish reading Midnight Sun but I like the idea of working out every day while we are here. So, we went on a Midnight run instead ah-ha! Still want to finishing reading it before I go to bed though..

Okay, so the first picture is the lollipops at the candy store. MMMM my favorite! The second picture is at the bead museum. Funny..they had alot of crazy, amazing, creative, unbelievably unique beads. And out of all of the pics of those pics I took..I'm posting this one because those were my favorite. They are pretty but simple. Amy said they remind her of Bella. Another way in which I'm like Bella..she likes simple stuff. Loves it!

I just got done downloading Amy's photos onto the laptop. Now we are going to play a game and watch the Nanny lol. AND TOMORROW..I'M MAKIN WAFFLES!

1 comment:

  1. You are like my kids in a candy store! Waffles do sound good.
