Saturday, August 15, 2009

Life needs frosting

I was on a plane for most of the day so I'm not really going to blog here. I'm just going to say the blog title is the Cinnabons quote which is what I had for lunch at the airport waiting for our layover in Las Vegas. And no I didn't gamble. I did however drink a strawberry daqueraieee? Too tired to spell that right. By the pool! At our awesome hotel. I'll have to post more pics of it later. Its great. The second picture is the almost life size chess board that is outside of the hotel. And the first picture is a baby lizard that somehow made it into our room and I caught him and let him outside.

Random quotes of the day:
Amy: I've seen this cactus before!
Me: I can smell your scent from here.
Amy: You're shehxy.
Amy: The palm trees moved.

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