Thursday, August 13, 2009

Switch out!

Didn't sleep much last night/this morning. When I woke up and went to open my door I had forgot I colored my hair. I was a bit shocked to see my dark redish brown hair in the reflection of my mirror. I must say though its growing on me. Especially with my pale skin and green or blue eyes. It seems like a good match. I spent most of the day washing clothes and attempting to put outfits together. Though I must admit I can only take so much of that. So I kept pausing to read Midnight Sun, text people and download more music to put on my IPod for the trip.

I eventually left to get the kids. I picked up some hamburger buns after making Kevin give me a couple of dollars for it lol. Then I went to Amy's house to get her Cds so I could make her her own Playlist on my IPod. In case she wants to borrow it on the plane while I'm using the PSP Patty bought me a few years ago. Ashley, Zach and I bought a soda on our way out because we were thirsty. Ashley got a strawberry soda and I got a orange Zach a Dr. Pepper. It was funny because I really wanted to get a strawberry soda because thats my favorite. But I decided to get orange so Ashley and I could switch off and have two different sodas. So I was driving down the highway and every once in a while yelling "Switch out!" And Ashley would hand me the strawberry and I'd hand her the orange and vise versa. Then we both quickly realized they tasted really good together. So we stopped drinking and when we got home we each got a glass and poured half of each in each glass. Strawberry-Orange soda is the new thing. Its all the rage in Aunt Karen's house. So I had that to drink, bbq mini hot dogs, mac n cheese, baked beans and a sloppy joe for dinner. The mini bbq hot dogs and mac n cheese I stole from Amy's house lol. Its my favorite meal that John and Amy make (not counting John's ribs). So when I went to get the Cds she packed some for me to take home. Best dinner I've had in ages. Mmmmm..

I've spent the rest of my night trying to cram tons of music on my Ipod and still washing clothes. Fun stuff. Also, I got on WoW for a minute and got this cute lil wolvar pet. Its the new orphan pet in WoW. Its so cute. Oh and btw this is yet another blog I didn't cuss in. At least I don't think I did.

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