Thursday, August 27, 2009

Kara the supercar

Today I was totally and completely jet lagged. So of course I was lazy all day. I did however get my Kara back! Oh how I missed my car. She is all shiny from being washed and waxed and her bumper was replaced. /hugs Kara. I missed you!

I took her for a spin of course, and rented a movie at Hastings. It was called Sunshine Cleaning. It was..depressing and not the movie to rent after a trip like I just had. My mistake. It was good however.

Tomorrow I should really unpack and clean my room. And find a different place for Edward. As much as I enjoy seeing Edward's face as soon as I open my eyes. He makes it difficult for me to get out of bed right there next to it. I'm still debating on whether or not I should put him next to Jack Sparrow. He would really make Jack Sparrow look like a wimp. I mean Jack only comes up to Edward's shoulder lol. Oh well.

I hope I get to see the kids this weekend. Even though I saw them and everybody else last night, I still really miss them. And still have presents to give them! Ah well.. I'm going to go watch tv for a while. The time switch is still messing with me. My body still feels two hours behind..

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