Monday, August 3, 2009

Beautiful Day Deluxe Chips

Last night I was thinking about what kind of cookies I would make today. So its no surprise to me that I dreamt of cookies. Me baking cookies. Me eating cookies. Every dream I remember had cookies in it. But this morning my dream was about Patty and we had an appartment together here in Arkansas. We were both in college and had jobs. And he was at work when I was at the appartment baking cookies for him as a surprise. While I was baking them I was on the phone with Cynthia. I can't remember what we were talking about I just remember it involved Blake. I woke up to the sound of Bella's lullaby and "I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore." It took me a few seconds to realize that wasn't part of the dream and I sat up and reached around my bed blindly for my cell phone. When I found it, it was Patty who had texted me asking me where I was. I was slightly confused by this question, because I was half asleep, before realizing he probably meant why am I not online but have no away message up. I honestly can't remember what I typed back. And I barely remember him texting me again asking if he could call. I'm not sure I texted back after that. I fell asleep again, for what seemed like hours and went right back into the dream where Patty was coming back to the apartment and I was handing him the cookies. And as I was looking Patty in my dream he started to say something and then eventually said "I'm Edward Cullen." The dream morphed Patty's face into Edward Cullen's face before I woke up and realized Patty was calling me, and that was the ringtone I had picked for him. When I answered the phone he said "Rise and shine, its a beautiful day out!" And really..after waking up like that, who could argue?

I allowed myself to speed all the way to Beebe to pick up the kids after talking to Patty for an hour. I try hard not to speed or drive too dangerously when I have the kids in the car. But I can't shake the feeling of being ungodly slow while doing so. So I sped my way to Beebe with a huge grin on my face still from the wake up call.

I picked up the kids and went to the grocery store to grab some beef and sloppy joe mix so we would have something for lunch. Ashley was in a pissy mood because I made her pack an overnight bag "just in case" they ended up spending the night. I can't help it when mom has to use the car to go to the hospital. So if she had plans all day and it ended up that they had to spend the night I wanted to be prepared. But of course, leave it to the drama queen to pout and be upset because she "just got home this morning." As soon as I got to the store and realized she still had the same pout and creased forehead from frustration I knew this was going to suck. I would have to somehow cheer her up without showing her it was okay to be pissy. And as I came to THAT realization I started thinking, hm it must really suck to have a emotional, drama filled, stubborn, moody little girl. I immediately felt bad for my mom. But also knew how to show Ashley that it wasn't okay to be pissy and mad at me and still cheer her up. Because it was like dealing with a mini me.

Once we were all in a good mood again we went home and had lunch and played wii. Everything was peachy keen for the rest of the day. We rented a movie and watched it while eating Pizza. And we played some more wii. Zach finished the Twilight book that his parents finally just let him read. Which is fine by me and i'm pretty damn proud if I do say so myself. Because I was sure once he realized it was more of a romance and not a action packed biting fest he wouldn't like it. But instead he finished and said "I like it. Just like the movie." /tear! However, I still think he shouldn't read the rest. Victoria gave me nightmares. And Breaking Dawn has some moments in there that made me cringe and feel sick to my tummy.

Ashley and I eventually baked cookies. We made up our own recipe just like I said I would. They are basically chocolate chip cookies only with Reese's, chocolate chips, and Hereshy's chocolate too. Also just kinda winged the batter mix from scratch. I did however buy my own flour. Screw that fake wannabee flour my mom has to use. She could just deal with not eating these cookies. Afterall, I always have to suffer through her crappy cookies that taste like cardboard. And well, is it any surprise to you that I named the cookies..Beautiful Day Deluxe Chips?

I went to take the kids home and before even getting out of Cabot the song that Robert Pattinson (plays Edward Cullen) came on my cd player. Its a very slow song that he sings and plays guitar in. It always makes me sleepy. But you just can't skip that song..his voice But then another slow song after that. And then dun dun dunnnn..Bella's Lullaby. Right when I heard it I knew I was going to fall asleep unless something was done. I mean that song can drop me dead in a few mins. So I was like "Zach, Ashley! Talk to me so I don't fall asleep!" I was met with dead silence before turning around and realizing they were more tired than me. /rolls eyes

I dropped by Amy's house and gave her some of my Beautiful Day cookies before going to the kid's house and dropping them off along with another bag of cookies for Lori. I talked to Lori for about 30 mins or so while she blew smoke in my face and rattled on about stress and work. She looked..I don't know I would say more stressed than normal. But I honestly don't know whats normal for her anymore. I came back home and well here I am. Making a mental note to thank Patty for making my day. And to tell Alan I'm sorry for missing his call. I really should change my voicemail message too. I sound fucking 12 years old and its driving me crazy.

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