Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Waiting on Edward

Woke up early today and got ready fast finished packing whatever I missed and we left for the airport. Luckly, Uncle Ken dropped us off instead of Aunt Sharon. I was glad he was the last relative I said goodbye to. My last and final memory of Phoenix was ironically the same as Bella's..sorta. Amy was nice enough to let me sit by the window seat again. And as I looked out at the last little bit of land from Phoenix Arizona, the same exact song that played in the movie when Bella left Phoenix came on my IPod. It was bittersweet leaving Arizona. I noticed something was bothering Amy when we were in the airport and on the plane. I knew it was probably the same things that would have been bothering me if I wasn't blocking them out. I realized I'm far too perceptive for my own good. I feel like when I notice something about somebody else's feelings I have to talk to them about it. But sometimes I just want to leave them the hell alone. Because I can't help but think "If it were me I'd want to be left alone." But most of the time I open my mouth because I also can't help thinking "nobody else sees what they are feeling." Anyway, I have realized on this trip how annoying it is.

We arrived in Little Rock around 3, completely skipping lunch. Eventually, we went to Amy's house and most everybody met up there, minus Mom and Lori. And we ate dinner and talked. Then I went with Angela to the store and we went back to her house for Wild Catz night. Its funny I really didn't realize how much I truly missed her until I saw her. Kinda like I didn't realize I missed Arkansas until I saw the green. Then I realized I was getting sentimental over mother fucking trees. And later tonight I got sentimental over mother fucking fog. I really did miss my family. That's the main thing. This will always feel like home to me because of that. Sigh, I have alot to think about over the next few days... And here I thought the stress was gone.. I had a fun time tonight though and it was a great welcome home.

Random Quotes of the day:

Me: "I got all my bags, I'm just waiting on Edward now."

Lori: "You could see them from google earth!"

Lori: "Tit-too."

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