Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Angela!

So, I spent most of the day working on Angela's birthday gift. Midnight Sun is the next book Stephenie Myer the author of the Twilight saga is going to come out with. Midnight Sun is Twilight but from Edward's point of view instead of Bella. The first 12 chapters were leaked on the internet. So I printed them out put them in a binder, graphic designed some cover art. And bought her a bonus tinkerbell folder. I was planning on putting it in the folder at first. But I couldn't find a Twilight folder like I wanted to. So I had got the tinkerbell one. Which was cute but just wouldn't do. So I settled for the clear cover binder with my graphic art cover. On the back I put a piece of paper that said "to alice from bella" in Bella's handwritting (first picture.) Alot of time and effort went into that gift. But thats one of the few things I like about myself. As Val would put it, I give kingly gifts.

I went to Angela's house around 5 and gave her the gift. She also made some birthday pizza. Which was really good for some pizza that came out of a box. I talked to her for a while before heading over to Amy's house. It was just a quick stop to drop off her purse she had left in my car. On my way home it started getting overcast. By the time I reached the Cabot exit I noticed that one side of the city was pitch black and the other side was clear. I thought it was really cool looking so I took a picture (second picture.) Its kinda blurry but it wasn't suppose to be dark outside and yet it looks like midnight or something. Then I went to sonic to grab a drink. The guy that gave me my drink told me to be careful driving home because it was about to get really nasty. I almost felt bad for not tipping the guy.. But that was short lived once he called me "little girl." Besides, if I were actually afraid of storms him warning me to be careful would have just ceased all carefulness and made me go into freak out mode. Lucky for him and me storms don't scare me. Though he was right as soon as I got out of sonic it was pitch black everywhere and the rain was pouring. But I love driving in the rain and the view of the dark clouds randomly lit up from the lightening was beautiful.

When I got home I laid down on my bed for a while texting to Timmy. I hadn't heard from him in ages. But I had a really bad migraine that had been on and off all day. So that eventually stopped and I decided to watch Race to Witch Mountain. It was a good movie.. But I really don't much care for "the rock" and the movie just made me miss the original Race to Witch Mountain movies. /shrug

I talked to Patty a bit today too. I feel bad for him. He keeps having health issues. So now he has spent so much money on health issues and such he won't be able to take classes for a while. I can't help that feeling I get when I hear he is in trouble like that. I get this irrational urge to drop everything and just help him however I can. Like get three jobs and give him all the money I make. Or become a prostitute or something. Okay, maybe not that lol. But still..I do wish I could help him. But instead all I could do was tell him it would be okay and that classes would always be there for him to take. I think he is okay considering. He is just frustrated this year hasn't really been a good year for him. Either way, I told him I missed him alot lately and that I was leaving saturday. So he said he had off friday but he might be cranky because he has surgery on thursday. So I promised to help get uncranky. And with that we have a date set. So friday should be a good day. And then of course the rest of the weekend should be too! I'm so excited about my Twi-tour!

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