Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rock is a 4 letter word

Today was by far the best day so far. Amy and I got up and ate breakfast, apparently Mom left early to go eat breakfast with Nana and Papa. So we came back from breakfast, showered and got ready. Amy curled my hair again. Got so many compliments later I figured why the hell not? Though now I'm wishing I hadn't. By then Mom was back and we all went to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch. It was awesome! Fucking delicious food. Awesome music (they played The Killers for one thing, though sadly also played Queen /rolls eyes.) We all got a t-shirt and a glass that we had our drinks in. My t-shirt says "Rock is a four letter word." We also saw some really awesome buildings on the way there. It was in a cool part of town. Like we saw an old McDonald's and a really really old house that used to be a coffee place apparently.

Then we went to Aunt Janet and Uncle Ken's for four o' clock tea. Aunt Janet is British and when I was little we used to have tea together so this was really important to me. She even gave us British Jelly Rolls with the tea. Then we had another fucking delicious (I say fucking here and earlier because it was so good its insulting to not put the cuss word there) meal at her house. She made homemade British meat pies. Oh my god I've never loved food as much as I did at that moment. But I've also never ate three meals a day every day like I have been since I've been in Phoenix. /shrug

After that we went to Nana and Papa's house and we gave them some gifts we got them and spent a little while talking to Nana. But Papa was feeling horrible and couldn't get out of bed.. We didn't stay there long before going to the CVS again and stocking up on more drinks and snacks and heading back to the hotel. Amy and I decided not to work out. I'm just losing weight and I need to gain weight. So we just sat in the swimming pool and talked for a while instead. Tomorrow is another big day. Not sure what the plans are though really. But today was good, at least.

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