Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Property of WildCats

Today I did laundry..all day. And I still have alot more to do. And then pack. I'm going to be so sick of looking at clothes by the time this is over with. Around like 4:30 I left the house and went by McDonalds to get a happy meal and head to Angela's. I was texting Val for like an hour or more during this and before this. I was pretty proud of myself for being able to drive, eat a happy meal and text at the same time. But once I told Val how proud I was of this. He said "Be safe" and stopped texting me then. What a jerk right?

I got to Angela's house (after dropping off Zach's phone charger) and we hung out and I watched her make lemon cookies until Lori showed up. Then Angela started the huge process of dying my hair. She dyed Lori's too. And by the time we both had our hair dyed, Angela was in the process of dying our hair and straightening it when Amy showed up. All in all it was a really quite night for a bunch of wild catz. Especially since this would be the last one for about three weeks. But Lori was really tired. Amy seemed it too. And i'm always quite unless I have something to say. And I just didn't really have much to say. Plus I was a little lost in thought and also distracted by the darkness of my hair. But oh well I had fun. And i'm really greatful Angela dyed my hair. I like it. I have my Bella hair in time for the Twi-tour! Oh and the picture I took really doesn't do it justice. Its more red than it looks in that picture for some reason. Can't wait to see what it looks like in the sun tomorrow. Ignore the black rings under my eyes.. Oh and the second picture is of Angela's new socks she got haha.

Speaking of Zach I'llEffhisron, I watched 17 again last night. It was hilarious! I liked it more than I thought I would! Best movie I've seen in the past couple of weeks for sure. I loved the Star Wars parts in it. His dorky best friend was awesome haha. Plus the chick that played Harriet the Spy was in it. Lulz.

P.s. Angela I didn't cuss once in this blog. In your face.

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