Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wild Batz night

So today we slept in, thank God. We left the hotel around noon. And we went to Jack in the box for lunch. I was excited since Patty made fun of me for not knowing what that place was. But we don't have them in Arkansas. It was really good too. And I sent this picture to Patty telling him I ate here haha. He was proud. We went to Wal-Mart after. Oh, and we went to the post office today too. I got a box to put Edward in lol. So when we were driving around today I had Edward in the backseat with me and I buckled him in. Because I was thinking about how Bella wanted Edward to put on her seatbelt lol. Then I texted Angela sending her the picture and she said I should get more dork points since if he were real he wouldn't need to wear a seatbelt. But I told her how Bella wanted him to wear one. And she said but Bella didn't get her way. And I said but THIS Bella does. And then Amy said that was another way I'm like Bella. Whatever lol.

We came back to the hotel and just chilled. Took naps and stuff. Then Mom went to see Nana and Papa. Amy and I stayed at the hotel and texted Angela, making our own little Wild Catz night even though we are far away. Only we are going to offically call it Wild Batz night. Because when Amy texted Angela about Wild Catz night she accidently typed in Wild Batz night.

Now I'm blogging and Amy is waiting to take over the computer. So I guess I'll end it here. Oh and I miss Patty and Val. I talked to them both today and it just made me miss them more. Gah..

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