Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Spiderman and Tinkerbell undies

Today I slept in. Though i'm not sure you can really call four hours sleep "sleeping in." But I went to bed at like 8 and woke up at like 12. Anyway, when I woke up Amy and the kids were here. So I ate lunch with them. And watched cartoons with them. Soon after that they had to leave. I took a shower and scowled at my own reflection for a while and the stupid curls that were already popping out from under the towel on my head. Then I got a text from Lori saying she needed to go to Wal-Mart. And though I hated the idea I had some stuff I needed to get too. So I met her at her house. And the kids, Lori and I went to Wal-Mart, Maurices, Hastings and then Dixie Cafe. I got a new shirt at Maurices that Lori pretty much forced me to get after forcing me to try it on. We ate at Dixie Cafe because Kevin could give us free kids dinners lol.

After that we all went back to Lori's house then I went home to grab the Hastings movie I forgot was due today. And I returned it and went BACK to Wal-Mart. Because the Wal-Mart in searcy didn't have the hair dye I wanted..grrrr. I got hair dye (dying my hair tomorrow or rather Angela is), make up (that took forever because I had no clue what I was doing), some sunglasses, a new straightener (still no idea what I was doing), some blank CDs (to burn CDs for various family members) and some undies. My tomboy side wanted the lil boys undies but my girly side wanted to the lil girls undies. So I settled for spiderman lil boys undies and tinkerbell lil girls undies. Though technically I think they were "juniors" tinkerbell undies. Which seems weird that they would make those. But whatever. I'm still a lil pissed off they didn't have Star Wars or Batman undies in my size. What they think only lil bitty boys like Star Wars and Batman? Pfft.

Ashley gave me a poster of the guy who plays Jacob Black in the Twilight movie saga. It was really sweet. She was like "I know you like Edward but they only had Jacob." It was really cute and even though I'm totally team Edward. And really don't like Jacob at all until the third and fourth book when he becomes less annoying, I'm still going to put this poster up in my room. Because my niece gave it to me and it was so cute and sweet. It made my heart melt. Well no I didn't because thats not possible.. But if my heart were chocolate it would have.

I rented 17 again tonight and I plan to watch it in a little while. But that reminds me.. While I was at Hastings literally right at the door going inside, I watched somebody run into another parked car. I saw it happen and stopped and was like holy shit. And just stood shocked for a minute. I was about to memorize the license plate number when I saw the car park. I figured oh well they're going to come inside then. So, I went inside and told the guy at the register that somebody outside hit a parked car but I think they are coming inside. He nodded and walked outside then he came back in and when I was checking out he said "Yeah, I went outside and the dude drove away really fast as soon as I walked out." My bad! Shoulda memorized the number. Luckly, the guy said they have cameras and they'll be able to rewind and see what the number is.

I had a conversation today with Angela about being a vampire. It was pretty interesting considering there was a weird moment when I got all excited about being one only to remember that can't possibly happen. But we kept talking about it like it was real and I had just had a dream this morning about it being real lol. But if it were real..Angela's special power would either be being able to heal humans by touching them or never ending patience. And mine would be something having to do with graphic design. Like being able to make people think they are somewhere they aren't or touching people and showing them images like Renesmee. Something creative and graphic designish though. Oh and since we would both be uber pretty because that just happens when youre a vampire..I would have bigger boobs and Angela would have red hair. And I would lose all clumbsyness like Bella did and be extremely graceful! Yay! Though I still kinda think my boobs actually wouldn't get bigger if this was all real. I still believe I wouldn't be that lucky. /pout

Quote of the day:
Angela: So it wasn't pre-mediated theft?
Me: Nope. Or you woulda seen it coming, Alice!

If you don't get the quote of the day then..well you're stupid.

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