Saturday, August 8, 2009


I spent the night with Lori last night. We went to the movies and then went to Mazzio's so she could finish up some last minute work. Then we went back to her house and hung out for a while and watched Hell's Kitchen. Then we went to bed and I woke up and made all of us french toast. Then Lori went with me to get my hair cut. It looks like i'll have to find a new hair person because my gay guy Scott that did my hair is moving. It made me really sad. least I got a last cut before he left. Then we went shopping. It was really stressful at first (like all shopping is..) But then it got better. We got some school clothes for the kids and school supplies too of course. After spending way too long trying to get Ashley's school list.. And the kids both got a new pair of shoes. What kind of shoes do you ask? UH CONVERSE! Yes! I was so proud. Ashley got a pair of high top chuck's. And Zach got a pair of converse tennie shoes.

Somewhere during all that shopping we went to Burger King for lunch and Starbuck's on the way home. I hadn't been to Starbuck's in foreverrrr. When we got back to Lori's house we watched the movie Undercover Blue's. Its an old movie (not that old but still) that I hadn't seen before. It was pretty funny. We ate some grilled cheese sandwhiches while watching it. Before I took off to head home, I taught Ashley how to flip her high top converse down like I always do. It was a real niece/aunt moment let me tell you.. I'll have to take a picture of Zach, Ashley and I with our converse on tomorrow or something. Classic.

I came home and was forced into going to Wal-Mart yet again with my mom. Boo. We got food for tomorrow because nearly everybody is coming over for lunch. As we were leaving some guys driving by as we were walking to the car rolled down their windows and whistled at me while yelling "HEY SEXY!" Talk about your awkward moments. My mom was like "what the hell did they say?" I was just like /shrug. Seriously why did they do that? Its not like I was even wearing anything revealing or anything. Just a WoW t-shirt and jeans. I mean if anything that should have happened last night. When I was wearing a shirt that I recently got that I realized makes me extremely uncomfortable. It shows more cleavage than I care to ever show in my lifetime. Which is probably ironically modest to most girls. But to me its uncomfortable. I really wish I would have noticed that while trying it on. Shows you how I blank out while shopping. During the whole movie last night I kept looking down and being like omg! And pulling my shirt up and folding my arms across my chest. It was really awkward.. Moving on..

I have to work on some stuff now before tomorrow. I have a busy week ahead of me what with packing and all..

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