Monday, August 17, 2009

Papa and Nana

Today I saw my Nana and Papa for the first time since I was five. The first thing Papa said to me was "What did you do to your hair? You're not blonde anymore." Kinda funny because I wasn't sure he remembered me because of that comment. But I remembered how long its been and when I was little I had blondeish brown hair. But it was depressing because he looked so sick and frail. I tried to prepare myself for it but I was still shocked. Today was all very emotional. Amy almost lost it at dinner when we went out to eat and Nana turned and said "We haven't said grace" and asked Amy to say it.

I can tell already this trip is going to be hard for all of us to handle. And we are going to have to take alot of breaks. Because its just emotionally too much to handle. Today we took a couple of breaks and went shopping. Amy got an outfit and Mom got alot of clothes. Then we got some food for our hotel fridge.

The picture for today is Nana and Papa's house. They have to sell their house to move to a smaller one for assistant living. Too bad their house is really nice.. Its crazy how all the front "yards" in Arizona are cacti lol. Its different..

I saw my Aunt Janet and Uncle Ken today too. I was really little the last time I saw them too. My Uncle Ken couldn't get over how much I've grown. Its all a bit weird..I was half expecting somebody to pinch my cheeks.. My Aunt Janet is awesome though, she has a British accent. She is very very British its awesome. I remember when I was little I had 4:00 tea with her. Hopefully we'll be able to have some together this week.

Ps - Phoenix has alot of guys that are hitting on me, its awkward. Two mexican guys even checked out Amy today it was weird. They like looked her up and down and were grinning really big. OH! There was this one guy today though that looked JUST like Dave Grohl (when Dave didn't have facial hair) who was checking me out..and I was COMPLETELY okay with that. /smirk

1 comment:

  1. They were EVEN checking me out? That didn't sound like it came out right :) The guys here do seem a bit uh, eager.
