Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Bella

Another boring day. Went grocery shopping. Got a sonic drink. Texted to some people. Made Angela feel better when she was worried that was cool. I made Amy laugh. I talked to Zach on the phone, made him do a math problem for me lol. As bored as I was today I again, didn't feel like being social. And I'm also starting to feel really sick. I hope I'm not catching whatever Mom has. Either way tomorrow I'm actually going to do something productive.

I did put all my journals in the box John gave me though. That's what my picture is. It was his old GiJoe box. Oh, I also found a new Twilight soundtrack. Its called Twilight - The Score by Carter Burwell. Its the classical music used in the movie. I like it. I burned one for Angela too. As antisocial as I've been feeling lately..sometime this week I'm going to make it a point to go over to Angela's and watch the movie with her. And go to Amy's for a while too. Maybe even ask Zach and Ash if they want to spend the night friday or saturday night. Then again for somebody who has been feeling antisocial maybe thats too much for one week. I dunno.

I've been noticing more things I have in common with Bella. While I was on this trip in Arizona. Amy was trying to tell me that I should move to Colorado with my sister. Saying "I was just thinking Bella didn't want to move to Forks and she did and it was good for her." Riiiight well, if you want to look at it that way.. Bella doesn't WANT to move to Forks but she does because she knows its what's best for her mom. And it then turns out to be good for Bella too. Me however, I stay here in this house because its what's best for my mom. So yeah, both Bella and I did things that was best for our mom. But mine isn't turning out to be what's best for me. Lucky Bella she got to do both at once. I on the other hand will have to pick what's best for me or what's best for my mom. And to be honest I'm not even sure if moving is what's best for me. I don't know what I want or what I need. And even if I did know what I needed, I don't know if I would do it. Bah!

I also found out that I am (now) the same exact height and weight as Bella. CREEPY AWESOME! So now I'm most def going to dress as her for Halloween. I've also realized in many ways Bella is selfless and I think I'm pretty selfless. Sometimes too selfless because I put others before me too much. But Bella also wants to have her cake and eat it too. And I am also like that, sadly. Which I've just recently noticed. I am spoiled in ways much like Bella. Man, I wish I would stop coming to all these self realizations. More importantly, how many self realizations can one person possibly have? Am I really that deep of a person? Do I really have that much to my personality and mind? And isn't it a bit weird and well depressing that a book/character/movie could make come to such self realizations? I'm pathetic!

Oh and of course the one thing I don't have in common with Bella is somebody who is unconditionally and irrevocably in love with her. Vampire or not, that sucks.

Dear Bella,
I hate you right now.

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