Friday, August 14, 2009

Carnies hit on me

So I spent most of the day packing. Though I did have a "date" with Patty. We got in WoW and did the orphan quests together. Since I did mine already on my hunter I did it on my Pally with him and got the other pet. The oracle one. He is so ugly he is cute...sorta. Then I packed more. Took a shower and realized my new straightener sucks. So I took the kids and we went to the library to pick up my book Eclipse that came in just in time. Then we went to Hastings to return a movie. Then to Wal-Mart so I could return the crappy straightener and get a better one. Oh and to get a bag for mom's laptop. Which we are taking on the trip with us. Then we went from there to the carnival in beebe.

We got pizza, lemonade and of course funnel cake. We had a couple of dollars left so Ashley used it to play the fishing game. The guy that ran that booth hit on me hardcore. He like asked if I was the kids big sister. I said no aunt. And he said "no way" and asked how old I was. I said 22 and he said "no way" again. I said yeah I am. And he said "You're gorgeous." It got more awkward as the convo went on. Lets just cut this short and say it went on way long. He asked my name and said his name was Stefan. Which just made me want to call him Stephenie. He eventually said "You should come back later we are going to have a bbq." And then after dodging the invitation for a while. He repeated by saying "You should really come back later for the bbq we could have a drink." Now that I am writting this I realize what a weird line that is. Its obvious he is talking about getting drunk which is what came to mind at first. But now i'm he is a friggin vampire. And he wanted to drink my blood. Anyway, he was sorta cute. Cutest one there. The only one that looked decent actually. And it was sweet and flattering in a odd way. Not sure how somebody could think i'm gorgeous though. Especially how I was dressed today. It was a bit odd. I found myself wishing I could read minds to see what he was really thinking. Somtimes I think guys don't think at all..unless you count their penis.

I couldn't help but get choked up when I was driving home from dropping the kids off. I burned them both two cds and wrote a lil note to them. I kissed them goodbye and realized this was the last time I'd see them this summer. When I get back it won't be summer anymore. They will be in school and I won't be seeing them much anymore. I quickly realized that if I get the chance next summer I will do this all over again. Despite all the stress and complaining about not getting enough money, spending more money than I make and the kids somtimes getting on my nerves.. I love them and I loved my time with them this summer. I had fun with them and I grew closer to them. I can't regret that at all. And I realized that if I had been paid nothing I still would have had just as much fun as I did today. I spent like 20 dollars on a crappy carnival today..and I would do it all over again. They really do mean the world to me. I'm going to miss them alot for the next two weeks.. I hope they have a good first day of school..

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