Sunday, August 16, 2009

Twi-Tour 2009

Amy and I woke up early and had starbucks coffee on our deck outside. Then I took a really awesome shower, the shower was big and had a seat in it. Then I put on the robe that was in there for me, awesome!! Then we took forever getting ready. I dressed up to look like Bella after she was turned into a vampire. With my plaid dress, tights that look like Bella's in the movie when she wears her prom dress, along with the low top converse. The dress looked perfect to me because it looked like something Alice would dress Bella in. I also wear my black bead necklace but I put the Cullen crest locket on it. It was actually suppose to be on a bracelet but I already had my Bella St. Jude bracelet. Oh and my Bella hair headband. My hair looked just like Bella's too! It was awesome. I did my own make up though so that part was crappy. But I got alot of winks from guys today and alot of compliments.

Amy even said the guy that plays Eric Yorkie was checking me out lol. It was kinda funny actually. We were walking to the grill to eat. And I looked up and this cute guy smiles, raises his eyesbrows and waves at me. So I smiled and waved back and then they go by and Amy was like "That was the guy that plays Eric Yorkie!" And I was like holy crap you're right lol. And she only noticed because she noticed him checking me out. It was also funny because I was carrying a gaint cutout of Edward Cullen. YEAH THATS RIGH!!! I bought a life sized cutout of Edward Cullen. AND!..I got Bella's wedding ring! It only fits on my ring finger. So it looks like i'm married or engaged lol. But oh well, I didn't want to get the bigger size and have it be too big on my wedding finger. It would defeat the purpose when I dress up like Bella. And maybe it will get the guys to stop hitting on me.... Maybe.

There are so many stories to tell! We saw Angela Weber, Eric Yorkie, Sam from the wolf pack and Paul from the wolf pack. I liked Angela and Eric the best. They were funny. They acted like they were dating too. I wouldn't be surprised if they were. Angela even said "we're engaged" joking around when somebody asked Eric who from the cast he would date in real life. And Eric responded by saying "Only Angela!" Well he used her real life name but I forgot what it was lol. I keep wanting to call her Angela. But anyway, they were cute together and funny.

I got alot of compliments for my costume. But I didn't end up entering the costume contest. Glad I didn't either. The two who won were lesbians who dressed up as Alice and Jasper before they were vampires. The chick who dressed as Jasper had the solider uniform on. And Mary Alice was dressed in like a victorian dress. The costumes were good I guess.. But their personality sucked so bad. They didn't ever smile or say anything they were just boring. Plus it was weird seeing a girl dressed as Jasper.. There was a little girl that dressed like victoria though she was adorable and she honestly had the best costume. She was even bare foot with leaves in her hair. She was so cute.

We saw alot of team Jacob people today..lame. Of course I guess that's to be expected when the wolf pack was there today. But we saw this one guy that was with his daughter and his shirt said on the front "Runs with werewolves" and on the back it said "Twilight dad." And the back of his daughter's shirt said "Werewolf" and the front said "Jacob Black is my boyfriend." I thought that was awesome. And I saw his car too, and he had two twilight bumper stickers, one that said "Twilight mom's bite me" and one that had Edward's handwriting that said "Be safe." That's one awesome dad.

Out of all the people in costume today, there was only one other Bella. And she was dressed like Bella at prom. She had the dress and cast and all. It was fun looking at everybody's costumes. The little girl is the one I was talking about dressed as Victoria, and the two right behind her are the lesbians dressed like Alice and Jasper..they won. There was one guy that dressed up as Emmett, everybody liked that alot. There were also these people there called the Hillywood show. They did like a spoof of Twilight. And they were dressed up like them all day of course and staying in character. They were pretty funny. The chick that played Alice did not look like Alice though. Speaking of Alice, there were SO many friggin girls dressed like Alice! And just as many women dressed like Rosalie.. Even..fat ones.

Okay, I can't think of anymore stories right now. I'll post more later if I think of more. I'm pretty tired right now though.

First pic-Twi-Tour signs. Second pic-Justin Chon (Eric Yorkie) showing off his tattoo. Third pic-Costume contest finalists with the Hillyhood Show people. Forth pic-Amy and I outside the hotel and yeah I really look like Bella as a vampire I friggin glow! Fifth pic-Edward's piano!


  1. OK, so why do you want guys to stop hitting on you? He really was checking you out, too funny.

  2. Ok, so I'm signed in as Karen, but this is AmyI made the comment above...
