Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Goodbyes again

Today Amy and I slept in then walked to the Denny's down the street and ate breakfast there for a change. Well breakfast/lunch. I got a cool strawberry mango tea there. Oh and when we were paying our bill we were waiting for our refills in to-go cups. And some guy walked up to us and we told him to go ahead because we weren't in line. And he said "I didn't want to cut in front of you and then get spanked by you, although that might be fun." It was the must random sexual thing that's ever been said to me by an old man. Yeah, he was old..really old. We walked back and hung out here until 3ish then our uncle Brian picked us up and we went to the hospital to visit Papa. We stayed for a while.. It was hard..I don't want to talk about it really. We eventually said goodbye to everybody. And Uncle Ken and Aunt Janet brought us back to the hotel. Tomorrow morning we'll leave for the airport. This is the second time I've said goodbye to family this summer. It was a hard, stressful, emotional, bittersweet time here in Phoenix Arizona. I won't miss this shitty hotel. I won't miss the drama with my mom's family. I won't miss the stress, or the tension I feel all over my body when I'm around them. I won't miss the way my mom treats me here, or the way my Aunt Sharon does for that matter. I won't miss Aunt Sharon at all, I have lost all respect for her. There are several other things I won't miss..

I will however miss - the nights and days Amy and I spent together. Going to the gym at night and weighing myself and working out then going to the pool and talking with Amy. The different sites to see here like the Hard Rock Cafe and Jack in the box. My Uncles and my Aunt Janet. My Papa..and Nana.. The Jack Rabbits that hop around outside here. All the fun times Amy and I have had even during hard times. The palm trees and cacti. All the pretty antiques in Nana's house. And of course the heat in Arizona! Its a bittersweet situation.. But to be honest.. I'll be glad to be home. And I think this experience has really changed me. I'm not sure if its for the better or not yet though.

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