Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I only had two hours sleep today. I spent most of the day trying to force myself to sleep because there was nothing else to do since the power was out from the tornado that hit this morning. Go figure that my day off would be this boring. I mean its not like I can drive anyway with no sleep. But I eventually got two hours though and decided that was good enough. Took a shower and got "ready" for wild catz night which turned out to be.. Me grabbing some clothes off my floor and pulling my hair up in a clippy. /shrug I don't think Angela and Lori cared though. On my way out I took my picture of the day which is a huge tree that fell on one of our barns and smushed it and blocked the doorway to the other barn. Thanks alot tornado. /rolls eyes

I had fun at Wild Catz night. But I can't help but think my sleep deprivation is getting to me. Because tonight's Wild Catz night seemed oldly not normal. Like I was dreaming it all or something. Too many pauses with nobody talking and me just feeling my heavy eyelids. So, I'm going to try and sleep now. And hope the Twilight soundtrack in the background will help. Bella's lullaby always makes me drowsy. So does that one song Robert Pattison sings. /swoon

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