Friday, August 7, 2009

Knowledge is power

Today I babysat Zach for the whole day until we made our way to Beebe to pick up Kevin. I was suppose to babysit Zach and Ashley both while Lori and Kevin went to see Gi-Joe. But instead Ashley spent the night at a friend's house and Zach, Kevin and I picked up Lori and went to see it together. Along with some of Lori's friends. It was fun and it was a good movie. I don't usually find asian's all that hot. But holy crap Stormshadow was hot! However, I did come to the conclusion that the title "Gi-Joe rise of the Cobra" is not a good title for this movie. So, I hear by rename it to "Gi-Joe Cobra makes an appearence." Or.."Gi-Joe The American Hero and Gi-Hoe The American Slut."

I was totally caught by surprise when Lori gave me some gifts. A brand new wallet with 80 dollars in it. And a brand new Kurt Cobain tote bag! Hell yeah! I'm glad that she wasn't taking me for granted like I thought maybe she was. I still think Kevin kind of expects alot out of me. But I think they both really appreciate it. And I'm glad! And I don't regret spending all this time with the kids this summer either. They might get on my nerves sometimes or stress me out beyond belief but I love them and I love the time I get to spend with them.

The picture is really blurry but what do you expect from a camera phone in the dark?

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