Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mind Fuckery

Today was a complete waste of time and energy. I spent an hour getting ready for something that never happened. Spent 30 mins dealing with my mom trying to mind fuck me. I don't play those stupid games. Spent two hours waiting for a lunch that never came. And another two hours spent arguing over some drama that was never concluded. Then I spent another hour just plain stressed out. And another hour getting ready again. Including Amy curling my hair into stupid fucking annoying curls. I didn't want to do it but I did it for Papa and Nana. Tonight was Papa's birthday party. Its the whole reason this trip was set up. It was suppose to be a surprise but I knew from the beginning that was a bad idea. You just don't surprise old people. Especially when they are dying.. Especially when they never want to go out to eat. We all met at the restraunt. And Nana was suppose to bring Papa with her to the restraunt. I think it was a miracle she was even able to do that but she pretty much had to force him. Which I think is horrible.. And then you could tell he felt sick the whole time. He couldn't eat at all. He couldn't even lift his drink really. He was shaking and you could tell he was in pain and just wanted to go to bed. He ended up leaving early and then everybody met back up at his house. Again I think a stupid idea, why couldn't we just leave him be? Its his birthday its obvious he wanted to be left alone. As if that's not enough, Nana pretty much forces him to open up his presents. He wasn't even strong enough to get out of bed though. So we had to go to him in his room while he had his oxygen mask on. It was hard to see him like that, alot to handle. Then I spent another two frustrating, stressful, emotional hours listening to stories that were depressing and disgusting. And even some stories I had already heard that were hard enough to hear the first time. I just couldn't take it.

We finally left but by the time we got home to the hotel it was too late to work out or swim. Great. What an unbelievable waste of my day. AND THIS WAS THE DAY THE TRIP WAS ABOUT. GAH. Sigh. Nothing good came of today. Except for being around Amy and talking to Angela on the phone. I friggin wore high heels and curled my hair for this shit and it was worthless. Because it was all for Papa and he didn't even feel good enough to enjoy it. And I was probably the only one that thought "just leave him alone and let the man rest if he wants to!" So frustrating.

Btw in case you're wondering, I tripped 7 times at least. And I cut my foot from the shoes. Luckly, I packed Bella band-aids for my, as Amy calls it, "Bella moments." They are twilight band-aids with Edward's face on them! Oh yeah!

I don't know what else to say I'm still extremely frustrated by the turn out of today. So I'll end it here.

First pic - A jackrabbit at our hotel. Second - The high heels that nearly killed me 7 or more times. Third - My outfit without the vest. Forth - The back of my outfit with the vest, I think my butt looks bigger! Fifth - My outfit with the vest, front view. Btw the curls were alot more annoying but this is at the end of the night. I actually don't mind the curls like that. But before they were so annoyingly curly.. The dry climate made it flat though lol.

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