Friday, July 31, 2009


I really didn't do anything today. Unless you count not sleeping and being really sick. /rolls eyes I got to spend some time with Patty though he wasn't feeling well either. What a pathetic pair. I talked to Dad a bit too, I hadn't talked to him in ages, but he was actually logged into WoW today when Pat and I were on. I would tell you how his life is going but to be honest he wouldn't let me shut up long enough about my confusing life for him to talk about his. Such a saint he is.

I read a bit today nothing amazing just some of my old writings. I found some old poems and crap I wrote when I was an emotional wreck of a pre-teen/teen. Some of them were utterly laughable. Others were not so bad. /shrug The picture I took is of one of my journals from when I was EXTREMELY young. I used to like Harriet the Spy when I was little. So of course, I had a journal just like hers. Its funny how my....odd personality has always been there. My sister Stacy called it "obsessive" personality. I find that..the wrong word to describe it. I'd go with passionate. Yes, thats it. In fact I think thats why most humans bore the living crap out of me. They have such a lack of passion, a lack of personality. Just because I have always had a strong personality I don't think that makes me obsessive. Though I guess I can be. Especially when I fall in love. /smirk

It seems I've always found alot of comfort in movies. Even as far back as a lil girl. Maybe even too much. I daydreamed alot about books and movies. And when I wasn't daydreaming about a movie or a book I was creating my own book or movie in my head.

Its truely laughable reading some of my journal entries about Patty from back when I was 15 years old. Its hard to believe somebody could deeply love somebody for so long when they haven't even met them in person. Though I think my thoughts and feelings about him now are way more mature than that of my 15 year old self. Ha. Maybe he is my La Tua Cantante. lol I crack myself up. Which I guess is good since nobody else finds me funny.

Even more hilarious are the things I would do when I was little to prove my toughness. When around my best friend Stephanie when I was little, I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything she could dare me to do that I wouldn't. I shiver at the thought of a 8 year old me eating a worm now though. Or that one time when I was much older and I had boy boxers and she dared me to try and stand up while peeing like a guy does through the lil hole conviently there. Lets just doesn't work well.

This is one of the few poems I read and have zero clue who its about. I truely don't even remember writing this. It says in the journal entry that I was inspired from a book. What book though I don't know. Doesn't say but yet its not half bad for the punk kid that I was at that age.

Blinded By Love

I saw that twinkle in your eye
The one you get after telling a lie
I saw the smirk on your face
No longer felt the warmth of your embrace
Got tired of waiting for a call that never came
You said things were fine said they were the same
I'm not that naive, I know when i've been replaced
I see the way you look at me with distaste
So spare me all your pathetic lies
Because you were the cause of your own demise
Its true you stole the key to my heart
But gave it to her without telling me we were apart
Who is to say you won't do to her what you've done to me
I hope for her sake she is smart enough to see
I was blinded by love on our first date
And that first kiss sealed my fate
I'd love to see you charm your way out of this one
But its over now and we are done
So take this tear stained letter and throw it away
Because I have let you go and moved onto a new day

P.s. - The word "reminisce" reminds me of the word Renesmee now.

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