Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fairy tea party

Today I hosted a fairy tea party for the girls at Amy's house. We made fairy wings and colored fairy placemats. Then had fairy foods and drinks. The girls had alot of fun and the boys went fishing while we were doing this. After that we went home for lunch and everybody kinda did there own things games, swimming and naps until it was time for us girls to go out. We went to Outback Steakhouse then came home to do our nails. But before we came home we stopped by BestBuy and I bought a new guitar for my rock band 2 and some new drumsticks that will make the drums less loud. And its also softer for the drums, so less damage done. And of course they are friggin clear and light up blue when you bang on them! Bonus! It was a long day but a good day. The picture above is my niece Laina and I. If you knew me when I was a kid this looks JUST like me at that age. Everybody especially Stacy (Laina's mom) keeps calling me Laina and Laina Karen.

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