Sunday, July 26, 2009


Amy came over after church and brought Zach and Ashley with her for me to babysit. She stayed too we went to Wal-Mart and played phase 10. I totally kicked her butt! The kids got to swim even though it stormed this morning. And we found this pretty bird's nest outside. It was pretty much a lazy day. I was tired all day too. I'm not looking forward to babysitting tomorrow as well. The good news is even though it will be long hours tomorrow so they are spending the night.. I'm off on tues and wed! The bad news is that I have to go shopping tues! Bah! Oh well. I'm getting more and more excited about the trip as it gets closer. Can't wait for me to get my hair dyed and look more like Bella! All in all today was excelent! Or..Egg-celent! Ah-ha!

1 comment:

  1. We didn't even finish the game! Shopping was pretty bad though...
