Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today I said goodbye to Kim, Dee and my nephew Zane. I spent all day trying to distract myself from depression without much sucess. I went to Hastings and just messed around. Not much of a distraction. I rented all the Harry Potter movies in an attempt to possibly distract myself. But then decided I didn't feel up to trying to watch any movies. So I just played Sims until Patty got on. But he wasn't feeling good so he didn't talk much. Then the raid didn't go off. Val was tired so I didn't get to talk to him much. I didn't even really take a picture today I just edited other pictures. I think it still counts though. I turned myself, Angela and Lori into vampires. The first is Lori as a newborn, or a thirsty non vegetarian vampire both have red eyes. The second is Angela as either one. Next is me as a non thirsty vegaterian vampire. Then me as a thirsty vegaterian vampire. Their eyes get black when they are thirsty. And then me as a newborn. /shrug. My favorite is the gold eyes. I look like a true Cullen. Angela says I look like Jasper's lil sister. But hey in order for that to happen I have to marry Edward and i'm okay with that!

The sad part is I didn't really have to edit my skin color much. I'm just naturally that pale. I was pale before twilight made it cool. /shrug

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