Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today I was feeling horrible still. Don't know whats wrong with me. Can't sleep right or anything. I pretty much just layed around watching tv with the kids. And I read a fairy book with Ashley. Then we played sims for a while. It seemed like a simish day. Tomorrow is my last day with Kim, Dee and Zane. Interesting how although this should make me sad it just kinda makes me feel numb? Is that a good word? /shrug I talked to Angela for a while today. She had a really rough day I feel for her. She was better after I talked to her though. She spent some time with her friends today to get her mind off of her depression. Then called and talked to me. She found a place in Little Rock that reminded her of La Push in Forks, WA.

I think I'm going to call Alan and talk to him for a while before I try to sleep. I miss him alot randomly.

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