Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today my two sisters Kim and Stacy came to visit from out of state. They won't be able to visit long so I really should take full advantage of every second with them. I'm sure you're wondering why my picture of the day isn't of them. But really its because I spent a considerable amount of time last night and today worried and nervous. I planned my outfit ahead of time (with some help from my own personal Alice aka Angela.) And I spent all morning finishing up my room. I was concerned to say the least, that I wouldn't be able to handle the socialness and um how should I say bonding..? with my two sisters that I rarely see. Especially since its been so long since I've seen Stacy. And her and I used to be able to relate to each other pretty well. We had alot in common. I can't say how things are going yet. Because it is the first day. But I think I might be able to handle it.. Hopefully, since this trip is so short..there won't be any terribly long awkward moments of talking.

We watched Twilight the movie tonight. My niece and nephew even watched it. I felt like I was able to share a part of me. But yet I still don't think they liked it as much as I do. And I doubt they know or understand how much I relate to the movie. But I did convince my sister Amy (who hates vampire stuff) to not only watch the movie but even read the book. I let her borrow it today. And Lori got the last book from Angela tonight and gave it to me. I'll read at least a chapter before I go to bed. But tomorrow is a big day. Every day for a week will be a big day. Hope it all works out well. Maybe I'm being paranoid and they will understand me more than I think? Maybe in order for that to happen I'll have to be more open..ugh..I cringe at the thought. Until tomorrow.

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