Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Movie night part duex

Tonight wcn (wild catz night) was canceled because Angela had to go pick up Austin from camp. So Lori, Norm and I watched a movie at her house. It would have been Kevin too but he didn't get home from work until late. It was an okay movie. It was called 12 rounds with John Cena. It was predictable and I don't that dude is that hot but whatever. It was fun. And I played Sims3 for a while today. It finally came in the mail and its AWESOME! I'm so glad Patty bought it for me even though I still think it was too much. It was really sweet and I love it. And now I can play it too when he is playing it!

I finally made it to a semi good chapter in the book New Moon. This book is really painful. I can tell the movie will be just as painful. Only a few seconds through the offical movie trailer and my eyes started to tear up. Lol good thing Angela is going to see it with me when it comes out. And I know she will probably cry before me! Hah. Okay back to my book!

1 comment:

  1. Why is this book so painful to you? Is it depressing?
