Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Movie night

Spent a few mins with Amy and the kids today. Then I had to leave to go to Angela's for a movie night. We watched Twilight together it was fun. Though getting to Beebe was pretty annoying. Mom used my car today and failed to fill it up with gas. I had to leave late to help with the kids before I left. So I was running late and it started storming. And then RIGHT when I get out of Cabot my fuel light comes on. I barely made it to Beebe and to the gas station. At one point I couldnt even see the cars in front of me it was raining so hard. I had to go pretty slow there toward the end I was slightly worried. But I made it and then I had to go to the movie gallery and rent the movies. I was pretty late when I finally got to Angela's. And I was wet. Good times. Other than that though it was great! About to raid now and i'm feeling bleh again so I'm going to end with that. And only one pick for today. You'll get over it.

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