Sunday, June 7, 2009

Shave me!

Today I woke up to Kevin just randomly coming over without telling me. Even though the kids weren't suppose to come over until after dinner. /sigh. Anyway, Amy, John, the boys, Zach, Ashley and Kevin all had lunch here. Then later Amy and I went to Hastings and Sonic to get a lil alone time. On our way to Sonic we saw a deer out in the middle of the road down on my street. In the middle of the day. Not a great picture but I still like it. We were way away from it. Gotta love my camera zoom! Then we came home and I felt like crap so I just stayed in my room sneezing and coughing non stop while attempting to spend time with Patty on his day off. Bleh! I felt bad because I didn't get to do much with the kids today because I felt so crappy. But mom took them to Wal-Mart and got them Burger King. And they came back here in my room and talked to me and just watched tv with me. And Ashley rubbed my back to try and make me feel better. And Zach got me a box of tissues and some medicine. Aren't they sweet? When they want to be lol.

So the bottom picture is a hilarious story. Patty and I were leveling our pallies. And I realized I had alot of rum taking up my bag space. So I drank it all and got drunk. And then Patty ran off to go to a certain area for a quest. And I was running after him, but because I was drunk I couldn't see anything on my screen. It was all blurry and I couldn't run straight lol. Because thats what happens when you're drunk in game. So anyway, I ran into alot of bad guys that were chasing me so I told Patty to save me. But the other thing the game does when you're drunk is add random H's to certain words when you type to make you sound drunk. So "save" became "shave". Ah good times. Okay I feel sick still I'm taking some nyquil and going to bed. Peace out.

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