Saturday, June 13, 2009

Disney Princesses

Today I woke up took a shower got the kids ready and then Amy and Lori came over for my birthday party. Which was also kinda John's haha. We had a Disney Princess cupcake taira cake. It was fun. Even though we didn't really play games or anything like that. I got alot of cool stuff, a new dress, Nirvana Lights Out boxset, the new killers cd, Twilight the book, a necklace, and in a few days i'll have a hand signed autograph of Nirvana. I got some other cool stuff too. It was real fast because then we had to go to Adam's graduation party. That was fun too. I'm really proud of him. He has grown up alot this year.

Sometime this week Kevin and John are going to go to the movies with me. We are going to see Star Trek. Then when the movie The Proposal comes out Amy, Lori, Angela and I are going to go see that. Best birthday ever much? I'm still kinda bummed that I don't get to see Alan or Cynthia on my birthday or anytime around it. But its still been really great so far!

Anyway, the last picture is my wow screenshot of my new bow I got that a warrior tried to steal from me but failed. The one right before that is my new dress. Before that is the killers CD I got and you can see my Twilight book too and before that is the Nirvana boxset I got. And before that is Adam's graduation cap candies at his party. And then its John and I blowing out our princess cake haha. And the first is a better pic of our cake. And yes I realize I did this backwards and that the pics aren't in order and I don't care. NIGHT!

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