Friday, June 5, 2009


Too tired to pick between all three of these. Too tired to really explain my day. Too tired to post a wow picture. Okay real fast..

Woke up early ate showered and left to Beebe. Picked up Zach and Ashley. Took them to McDonalds because they didn't have breakfast. Eat there came back to my house. Went to the library, then hastings, then back to my house again. Saved a turtle in the middle of the road. Took a picture. Then Goodwill then Wal-Mart. Then back to my house again. Watched a movie. Put the new harness I got on my puppy Karebear. Took a two mile walk. Took more pictures. Watched another movie. Ate lunch. Played some games. Played some more games on the Wii. Watched my other nephew Caleb. He drooled all over my shirt. Changed into pjs after that. He went to bed. Finally 10 and realized I was a little late to raid. Raided for a while then went away from keyboard after Amy picked up Caleb to tell the kids to go to bed. Told them goodnight. Got back to raiding for close to 3 hours. Didn't kill any boss. Epic fail. Took some tylenol for my headache. Am writing this now. About to pass out.. Passing out now. Fin.

P.S. - True story.

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