Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Animal shelter car wash and wild catz

Went to Lori's house today and watched the kids. We played games and washed my car then went to the J-ville library. They had somebody from the animal shelter come in and talk. They had a really cute doggie there too. It was so sweet. Then we went to my house to pick up some stuff before heading all the way to Searcy to eat at Dixie Cafe and let the kids see there dad. We also stopped by Mazzios to let the kids see their mom. Then we went home and they swam a bit before Lori got home. Lori and I headed over to Wild Catz night. Amy didn't make it because she wasn't feeling good. Hope she is feeling better now though. We had fun. We wrote the kids letters for when they go to camp next week. And we ate some Bri Angela made. Which is like a cheese ball thing thats baked or something I don't know it was good. We also watched really hilarious videos on youtube. This one specifically that Patty sent me at midnight on my birthday. He made me watch it when I turned 22 lol. It was hilarious so ever since i've been making everybody watch it. And they are making their friends watch it. Its going around like crazy. Its awesome. Okay I gotta go to bed so I can get up and do this all over again tomorrow.

I love the kids but i'm going to be glad to have a break! Heh. The first pic btw is my shiny car after we washed it. The second is Ashley and I in our bathing suits. The third Ashley wanted to take. It was really hot sitting on top of my car haha. Then Ashley wanted to do it and she was like "Hey this wasn't a good idea its hot." But she still made me do it but then she wouldn't and it was her idea sigh lol.

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