Saturday, June 27, 2009

Why be

Today I only slept for like two hours. I spent all night at a party at Lori's house and met a nice guy named Norm. We went to waffle house at 5 in the morning for breakfast. Then we went home and I got two hours sleep. Then we woke up and got ready, watched some tv then picked up Angela hung out for a while before going to the movies to see Transformers. It was really good. Alot more vulgar than I would have thought but still really awesome. There was alot of parts that were necessary. But most were funny unnecessary. Except for the few disturbing ones lol. Then we went to Chilis YUM! I talked to Norm through text messages today a bit too. And I got on and talked to Patty for a lil while. And Valy! Talked to him alot yay! Great day. I know that Lori was really tired today and she still went to the movies and to Chilis with me. And I know that Amy really didn't feel comfortable leaving the boys with mom but she still did it for me! And Angela she had Marq at her house in her bed, and she left anyway saying that I was more important to her. I'm glad I have such great sisters!

The pictures I took today are of what I wore today. My brand new Nirvana shirt. With my brand new skinny jeans. Those jeans are so friggin tight they are awesome! Lori and Angela said I have really nice butt in them lol. And they look really artistic and grunge. With splattered paint and holes. And of course what could be more awesome than a Nirvana shirt? Oh I know, a Nirvana shirt with a picture of ALL three band members PLUS Kurt Cobain in his legendary sunglasses that I LOVE. And have a pair of! That go awesomely with this outfit! Seriously whats not to love?!..........Other than your face.

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