Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I read this book within 24 hours. I could say I've never been so engrossed in a book before, but that would be a lie. The truth is, I've never related to a book as much as I relate to this one. I know what you're thinking. A vampire book? How is that? But the main character Bella, she is like me in too many ways to explain. In ways that are bad and in ways that are good. This book has made me figure out things about myself. It has even in some weird way given me some confidence I think. Its strange how a book could make such changes in me. Weird would be a good word. I know I have a weird trait that most don't. I've known that for a while, Val calls it, feeling the world deeply. Which might explain why while reading some of this book I would start sweating, or need to use my inhaler, or my heart would beat fast, or I would blush a warm blush all over my body. Its something I can't imagine many feeling while doing something as simple as reading. And I will admit that I have had books make me cry before or sweat even. But I have never felt so many emotions in one book before. Its more than just feeling the world deeply with this book. Its because I really feel I'm so much like Bella that I could feel what she was feeling. Like I said weird. There was only a few parts were I felt that something she did I would have done differently.

Even Edward, her love interest in the book, describes nearly everything I want in a guy. And her reactions to him are the same reactions I have toward any and every guy I am or have been interested in. I couldn't help but feel that this a book, maybe this series, is something I would only find once in a life time. Its almost as if some future version of myself wrote this book for me now, full of clues and..incentive..seems to be a fitting word maybe.

Or I might just be going insane. Who knows? Anybody who reads this might think that. And maybe that's true. I'm different its true. So most who are boring and typical would for sure read this and think such things. Good thing MOST my friends aren't boring and typical. Besides, why would I want to be normal anyway? But even if I'm going insane. I'm going to go insane while finishing this series. And finishing my self reflection these books seem to bring.

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