Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tinkerbell, lizards and Jack Sparrow

Today I got up early and went to Lori's house picked up the kids and went straight to the Library. They had people from the museum of discovery come in and talk. They even had a lizard to show the kids. It was actually called something else but I forgot. Anyway, it was fun. Ashley liked it alot and so did Zach. I think Ashley enjoyed it the most. She even raised her hand and asked a question when the lady talked asked for questions. Ashley asked if it had ever biten anybody. The lady said they'd had the animal for 15 years and it has yet to bite anybody. But that was a very good question because they do mash food really well.

After that we came home and Ashley stayed here while mom went grocery shopping. I read to Ashley while they were gone. I read her all of one of her Tinkerbell books. Then I took a nap because I was feeling pretty crappy from allergies and just being over tired. When I woke up we had dinner and Ashley and I watched the Tinkerbell movie that was ironically playing on the Disney channel. Zach had fallen asleep on the sofa. He was way tired. This heat must be getting to us or something. After the movie Zach had woken up and we made a special dessert we had found the recipe for online. It was suppose to chill over night so we just made it and we'll eat it tomorrow. Shortly after that the kids went to bed and now I'm about to raid! Hope we have enough people.

Oh and the first picture is early in the morning on my way to pick up the kids. My Jack Sparrow travel mug with coffee and my cherry pepsi. And my keys that are friggin awesome. The wow screenshot is my red proto-drake mount that I've had for a while. But I love it and I started using it again. When you have as many mounts and pets as I do, old ones become new after a while. Thats one of the best parts about having so many haha!

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