Thursday, June 25, 2009

New moon

Today I returned Twilight to the library. Thanks to Angela last night I didn't have to bother looking aimlessly through the library for the second one. I went to McDonald's after and got a happy meal so I would have something for the day in my tummy. I then went home and got a huge soda and a bottle of water in perperation for a long day of reading. However, that wasn't the case. After chapter two I became upset and angry with the book. I took a break for a while running around on my hunter in wow doing nothing. Finally bordom took over and I decided that maybe it would get better. Too bad I was mistaken. I went back to reading and made it to chapter 6, keep in mind by "made it" I mean I cried the whole way there. After that I was done. I have continued to be done all night.

I just finished raiding. We got Hodir down and lost a roll for the dps cloak that finally dropped. Now we are about to do Ahune for my scorchling pet. IF it even drops I have no doubt I will lose that too. I can't remember the last time I rolled a number with two digits. Sigh. Bad luck I guess.

After Ahune i'll have to decide if I want to continue to read some more of that depressing new moon book or just go to bed. I knew as soon as Edward broke up with Bella the SAME EXACT DAY that Patty and I broke up, it was a bad sign. Sigh..

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