Monday, June 1, 2009

I was prepared

Today I felt really sick for most of the day so I slept in. Then I took my niece and nephew to the library and they picked out a book. We also went to sonic for happy hour and got some drinks. I really like the library though, I'm going to sign them for the summer reading club thing. Then we can do the activites that they have to offer and stuff. After that we came home and had dinner. Then Kevin took them home. I got online and raided Black Temple. An old Burning Crusade raid. Its really stupid and I really hate Illidan. Stupid plot, stupid expansion, was glad to watch the stupid guy die. Oh and I was prepared Illidan, and then my dino prepared you for dinner HAHA. Sucker.

I did arena with Val and talked to him about stuff important stuff. Which is always great. And Patty's dad came home from the hospital today and is doing a little bit better! I'm so glad. I hope he just continues to get better and better. God does listen to me after all maybe!

WARNING: Long rant about something random and possible cussing ahead.

I have realized more and more that I extremely hate two famous black women. Tyra Banks and Opera. First off I would like to say I have too many reason for hating Opera to sit here and name them all to you. So just take my word for it they are all good. Plus Tyra wanting to be like her and looking up to her is reason enough to hate them both. But I would like to take this time to say why I hate Tyra Banks. Its one good solid reason. Tyra Banks recently on "cycle 12" of America's Next Top Model (also known as antm) took a young girl named Allison Harvard into this seasons show. Allison is a 21 year old artist and photographer. She was well known on deviantart. Which is where I first heard of her. She was well known for her self portraits that often looked dark and grunge looking. (She also loves Nirvana which is how I first found her!)
I added her to my myspace too. She seriously reminds me of myself in alot of ways.
Now i'm sure you're thinking well how is this a bad thing. She got put on a tv show and got some fame yadda yadda. Well here is how.

This is Allison before America's Next Top Model.

This is Allison after America's Next Top Model.

As if its not bad enough they took her natural beauty and RUINED IT. Making her into some plastic looking been there-hit that-stereotypical looking blonde model. They kept her that way through the whole season (of course) and she made it to the final two standing only to get beat by who do you ask? This girl right here-

Yeah, thats her, thats the winner. She looks like a man to me, has a forehead that I could write graffiti on. And she was never a nice girl. So basically what I'm trying to say here is.. Tyra Banks is a biased bitch who thinks we want to look at a bunch of fake, plastic, painted up amazon goddesses (that could pass as men or blod up dolls) instead of REAL natural beautiful, cute, NON fake girls.

Yeah, fuck you Tyra. You can continue to think you are helping women's lives and keep looking to your hero Opera /gag. But I know the truth. And the truth is. You wouldn't know beauty if it slapped you in the face. And you especially don't know art, so don't even kid yourself.

/end rant

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