Monday, June 15, 2009


Today was my birthday. I woke up at 10 and read my twilight book for a while. Then I got on my computer to a bunch of happy birthday's from my friends. Along with alot of text messages from my friends too. And Patty called me on his lunch break to sing to me! <3 My niece Ashley and nephew Zach made me french toast with candles haha. And my nephews Adam and Daniel called me and sang happy birthday to me. I took Zach and Ashley to the library and we signed Adam and Daniel up for the summer reading club. It was so hot today, 98 degrees! After that we went to the Chinese place to grab some take out for dinner. MMMM!! Then we came home and I continued my lazy day by watching t.v. Ashley and I colored some. I went to the Sunwell raid which was pretty fun though also kind of annoying lol. We didn't finish it so that was disappointing but oh well. During the raid I got a call from Cynthia and my sister Kim wishing me a happy birthday. AND! My friend Tim who hasn't had internet in forever. Actually was able to get on and talk to me for my birthday! I hadn't talked to him in ages. And he got a new phone so I was able to add him to my contact list. Now I'll be able to talk to him more often! After the raid Val got on and I only got to talk to him for a minute before I had to leave to bring the kids back home. SIGH. Oh well. So I spent the last hour of my birthday in the car driving home alone lol. Man though Zach was cranky at the end of the day. He is like an old man that has to go to bed early every night and get his 8 hours. So he is like Major. Haha! Ah.. Anyway, it was a really good day. And tomorrow I'm going out with my brother in laws to the movies! WOOT!

The first picture is me in the car at the library. I thought it was funny that I just threw on a pair of holey shorts and a t-shirt and didn't even fix my hair or anything before going out on my birthday haha. The second picture is a picture of the bookmark my nephew's were given. I thought it was hilarious and cheesy. And its on top of my awesome Nirvana bag. I love my Nirvana bag. <3

The wow screenshot is the new Oozeling pet I got today. I bought it with my own gold. It was a present from me to me. I love it! 94 pets and counting!

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