Tuesday, June 16, 2009

<3 Kirk

So today I just chilled because it was my day off and I needed a break from the kids. That might sound bad but sometimes they can just be a handful. So I relaxed all day. Played wow with Patty for a while lvled my pally and his. Then I took a shower. Bummed around the house a bit. Cleaned out my car. Then Kevin came over and we went to the movies, we met John there. I love celebrating my birthday with a movie with my brother in laws and sisters! Eventually i'll go see The Proposal with my sisters. But tonight we saw Star Trek. Oh my god it was GOOD! Kirk is so hot. And all the parts were played so well. It was great. I want to own it. And i'm a way bigger Star Wars fan than I could ever be a Star Trek fan. Speaking of that, yeah i wore one of my Star Wars shirts to see the movie ahaha! So I had to take pic of it and did the Star Trek hand thing. Live long and prosper. The first pic was actually an accident when I was trying to text Zach during the movie lol. BUT IT LOOKS GREAT RIGHT?! KABOOM!

When I came home I went to the 7:30 raid it just got out and i'm about to start the 10:00 raid lol. Too much raiding tonight can't be doing this all the time. Anyway, the last pic is my oozeling again, I just can't get enough of him he is too cute. Okay I gotta raid and then go to bed after now. Wed is the busiest day because I babysit all day then go to Wild Catz and don't get home till late. And tomorrow night the kids are coming with me to spend the night here. So yeah /sigh. Gonna go dream about Kirk...mmm.. <3>

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