Sunday, June 14, 2009

WoW baby bottle soda pop

Today I played wow with Patty for a lil while though he was pretty busy. I went to pick up the kids and we got KFC for dinner. And I bought the kids Alliance Mt. Dew. They wouldn't stop bugging me to try it, so I thought why not? But I told them no Horde Mt. Dew in my car. Then we came home and I did the naxx 25 raid. It was interesting.. I got bored during it and I realized I still had the two baby bottle nipples from my baby bottles for the pro life donations. And I took the top part off completely to make it easier to put the change in it. So the top part was all still sterile. So anyway I was bored and i put it on top of my Mt. Dew bottle. Then I realized wow this actually fits perfectly lol. And my niece Ashley was cracking up so then she used the other one for her Mt. Dew. And she named it WoW baby bottle soda pop. (After the candy baby bottle pop.) Anyway, its the most retarded thing but we can't stop laughing about it. For some reason this nipple has ridges on it so they fit perfectly into the ridges on the bottle. My niece said "Its the best invention since candy." Then we both paused and shook our heads. And then she said "Okay almost." Lulz!

The last pic is a screenshot of my new pet I got. That Luxun gave me! Its a sheep but its a sheep that always comes to a sad ending. When you got idle for a while a wolf will randomly show up and kill it then the wolf falls asleep. Lol its depressing. So I don't have it out often. Plus that means everytime it dies I have to resummon it.


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