Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today was interesting to say the very least! I woke up to the bottom picture. It was really randomly sweet. Almost as if Patty knew what was on my mind. I even thought I was dreaming for a minute because I had just woken up. Amy and John and the kids were here today. Got to spend some time with Amy. We went to Wal-mart. Bought the kids and me a transformers lol! The transformer I got used to be my favorite in the cartoon when I was younger. Sideswipe is his name. He used to be blue and red. Now he is silver! In fact he looks like a Silver Volvo!!! If you don't get it its a reference to Twilight. Same car Edward drives. IRONY! Anyway, I also spent some time with Patty in game. He was playing Sims 3 alot today. I told him I really wanted to buy it because he wouldn't stop talking about it. Then before he went to bed he randomly told me he bought it for me and i'd get it in a couple of days then logged! I can't even begin to explain my surprise. I love Patty... Anyway, I talked to Angela on the phone tonight too. Marq is just as confusing as Patty lol. I'm going over early on wed night to watch the Twilight movie with Angela. I'm glad I can drive now and have my own cell phone too. It makes it easier for me to get closer to people, even people like Angela that i've known forever.

Oh and Norm has been texting me today. He invited me to go to the Zoo with him tomorrow. I don't know if I will or not but either way it was sweet. And the picture is a picture of a really smell cake shaped like a doggie that my mom got me for my birthday but had it in the freezer and forgot to give it to me ON my birthday lol. Its really cute and even more delicious despite the fact it looked too cute to eat. Today has been so great. Confusing slightly. But when am I not confused? Time to read more Twilight and go to bed. Still dazzled by Patty's sweetness. Can't believe he bought me a $50 gift just randomly to make me happy.

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