Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rusty Hook

Spent most of the day texting and trying to clean my room wasn't on wow much during the day. Then I went to Wild Catz night. My sister is really stressed out right now it made me feel bad. I always feel so helpless when my older sisters need help but I can't do anything to help. I mean i'm just a little sister what am I suppose to do? Eh. Anyway, I got home late. Took me forever to get home I won't go into that /sigh. I saw a coyote tonight though. I was mad cuz I slowed down turned off my lights and grabbed my camera but by the time I got my camera out he was gone. He was eating something though /shiver.

Lori might try and hook me up with some guy. I don't know how that will go but it was funny. She was trying to figure out my style in guys. She was saying Patty, Alan and Jason are all very different. I don't think she gets that i'm attracted to all different kinds of guys. But anyway, as long as they aren't clean cut i'm good. I told her a guy like Patty is more what I like though. Shaggy hair, facial hair, grunge or bum looking. Mmmm rockers for real. Must play the guitar hahaha. Not really but they do have to be creative. Eh she said I was picky. She talked about this guy in a band though the name of the band was Rusty Hook but when she was talking about it Angela and I thought she meant his name was Rusty Hook lol. Jack Sparrow wanna be much? LOL!

Anyway, the first picture is my feet while stopped at a red light on the way home. In my pjs. Because it was Wild Catz night and I wore pjs to it. Wanna fight about it? The second picture is my new blood elf orb I got in MrT instance. It turns my night elf into a blood elf. And when I do /dance I can do the brittney spears - toxic dance. lulz. Okay, i'm stressed out i'm going to go to bed after I talk to val.

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