Sunday, May 31, 2009


Don't really feel much like typing right now so I'm going to make this short. I felt sick most of the day. I had Zach and Ashley over. They spent the night I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow so I can take them to the library. But today we just kinda hung out here I showed Ashley some videos and stuff. Got some snakes etc etc. My cat rogue wanted some attention today. Not that its any surprise he always does. But anyway, so I took a picture of him. And that's my car in the background. And the horse in the picture I've had for a long time. But I really like it so yeah.. I took a picture of it. Especially since I finally was able to help Patty get his favorite mount in game today, the white hawkstrider. So we both just kinda bummed around Dalaran on our favorite mounts. Now I'm going to read a bit and go to bed.

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