Sunday, May 24, 2009


All I have done all day is work on my ad-it-up contest so I could make the deadline which was a few mins ago. And I made it. But I doubt I'll win. Guess that's okay. If I win then great if not then maybe next time..if there is one. I did my best though I think. The first picture is a picture of my computer, (her name is Bella, yes I named my computer) the second picture is one of the ads I turned in tonight. Its my favorite I think. Other than that I spent the day worrying about Patty and trying to help him out. His dog got sick so I googled an emergency vet clinic in his area for him. And he was able to get a ride from his friend. Hope everything turns out okay. With everything with his dad its the last thing he needs.. I went to hastings today too when I needed a break from graphic design. I rented some movies that I probably just won't watch tonight. Too stressed. Gonna go eat something now. Haven't had anything to eat all day.

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