Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Lust at first sight

Today I woke up took a shower went to Waffle House to meet Lori, Ashley and Zach. Then we went bowling. It was fun, Ashley won lol. She got a strike without bumper guards too. Pretty impressive. After that I went to hastings. I met the most amazing guy. And by amazing I mean hot. He had shaggy brown and blonde hair. Really grunge and rugged looking. He had a lip ring and tattoos. He had a beanie hat on and his hair was still long and messy enough to stick out of it. He had baggy jeans and a only semi tight t-shirt. And he had brown eyes. He was pretty much perfect to look at. I talked to him too, or rather he talked to me. When he first saw me he said "woah" outloud then pretended like he didnt say it. Then everytime I went to look at something like a CD or book he would randomly show up next to me looking at something. I kept wanting to say something but I didn't know what to say. But apparently he was just as shy. But he finally talked to me. Anyway, nothing will come of this i'm sure but he sure was fun to look at! =P

After that I went to some At&t stores to look at phones but it doesn't matter because I'm getting a phone with my sister Lori's plan now! Woot! I am about to raid now so I have to cut this short. But before I go I must say. In wow today I got FOUR new pets. The second picture is just one. His name is Lil' Smoky for obvious reasons. I'll show the others later. But I now have 90 friggin pets! Woohoo!

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