Thursday, May 21, 2009


I went to the library today and got a library card for J-ville. So now I can go there and check out books with the kids this summer. I checked out the book The Golden Compass. Can't wait to read it. I've been working (or trying to work) all day on this graphic design contest. I have to have it done and turned in before monday. And so far I can't come up with any really great ideas. The picture on the bottom is just one of my ideas that I'm still kinda working on.. I don't know. I hate it. Its too plain and boring and too much text. Its driving me crazy. Or as Lori would say- DRIVIN ME NUTS! /shakes fist

In other news, I forgot to take a picture at the library. So instead I took a picture of my car keys. And the new library card on my car keys. Woot. Can't wait for raid tonight at 10. I need a break from this stupid contest. Its really pathetic that this is the billionth graphic design contest I've entered and I've never won a single one. And I'm suppose to be a graphic design artist. Note: This is a dramatization I have not entered a billion graphic design contests. But also note I still haven't won any. DRIVIN ME NUTS! /shakes fist

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