Wednesday, May 27, 2009

LG Xenon Blue

Today I went to the library with my sister Amy and my nephews Adam and Daniel. We checked out some books then went to Knights to get some snacks for Amy's church thing. Knights in J-ville is...special. Then we went to Sonic then home. After that I went to Searcy to meet Lori after she got off work. We went to get my brand new LG Xenon Blue phone! Its so cool. Then we went to Chilis where Lori and I both just messed around on our phones lol. After that I came home and chilled for a lil while before going back to Beebe for Wild Catz night. It was fun. We all just sat around drinking coffee and sending each other ringtones. Now i'm going to go watch a movie and go to bed.

Oh and the bottom picture is another one of the new pets I got. Its the pet bombling. Fear him!

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