Thursday, May 7, 2009

Kidz bop blows

Amy came over today and we put together a Cd/Dvd shelf thing I got. We also went to Sonic and Hastings so I could get mom's mother's day gift. I got a happy meal from McDonalds too, it came with a crappy Kidz Bop CD that we made fun of. The picture I took today was on the way home when we had to stop for a train. It made for a cool picture. I had a lot of fun today. I also gave my nephew Adam my old camera. I hope he likes it, and takes great pictures with it!

Amy and I also talked about maybe sponsoring a child. But we both kept arguing over which kid. She liked one and I liked a different one lol.

At raid tonight in Ulduar we got a guild first boss kill. And he dropped a staff that I won! Woot! And with that exciting news said. I'm going to bed. I feel horrible. Been sneezing and coughing for the past 3 hours. So yeah..the moral of this blog is.. Kidz Bop blows.


  1. Kidz Bop is the reason why we haven't been going to Mcdonald's. When we got home last night Adam took pics until I made him stop. I showed him how to use the timer and he took a pic of himself. He's getting pretty good, Daniel now has the old camera :)

  2. By the way, NO MORE FURNITURE!
