Saturday, May 2, 2009

He can howl though..

It stormed all day today it kept waking me up this morning at like 6am. The power would go out and my computer back up would come on and beep for 15 mins. Really annoying. But anyway then I went to the movies with Lori, Zach and Ashley. We saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it was really really good. But I felt guilty watching it lol. We should not have seen it with the kids hahaha. But hey..any movie that shows Hugh Jackman naked, I like. It was a lot better than the previous X-Men movies I think. Though I still really like the first movie. Btw only Lori will get the title of this blog lol.

Zach, Ashley and I played the game Truth or Dare tonight. Its some card game, it was funny. Now I'm about to raid Ulduar in world of warcraft.

Btw I got a new keyboard a few days ago and I love the feel of a new keyboard when you're typing a new blog. Mmmmm.

1 comment:

  1. You're too funny. Glad you're enjoying your new keyboard. I LIKE the pic! :)
