Friday, May 29, 2009


Today I took a walk and took a picture of my street and the sign in front of our house. Then I just talked to Patty alot and texted people alot lol. Patty had off today though, so I kept him company until Amy came to pick me up then I went shopping with her. I saw my ex boyfriend Jimmie at the mall with his finance. It was kinda awkward.

I was a lil late for raid but no biggie. We downed Hodir tonight. It was great. Really annoying fight. But we got it. WITH FROST RESIST GEAR. Gah the whole time Hisana and I were saying to each other "we need frost resist gear." Anyway...we finally did use it and got it down then. IMAGINE THAT.

Second pic is my mechanopeep pet. I'm going to eat strawberry pie and go to bed now.

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